Portfolio - Pest Patrol

Pest Patrol - Live Site

Site Features:

  • Secure login to customer areas.
  • Online problem reporting with SMS call out option.
  • Access for head offices to view regional data reports.
  • Templating system to allow Pest Patrol staff to easily modfiy/update website content.
  • Administration facilities for Pest Patrol staff to add/modify/delete customers/products/reports etc.


Secure areas allowing clients to view reports, with the added functionality to allow clients' head offices to view all reports for all sub offices. SMS text messaging is used within this site.

Original Brief

Pest Patrol's clients include many national companies. Pest Patrol currently perform site visits at which a site report is completed and is left on site, as is required by law. Previously, if the Managing Director of the client wished to view these reports they would have to be faxed through to head office. If it was possible for the MD to view all reports for all of his companies sites it would be beneficial to both the client and Pest Patrol.

Final Website

The website fulfills the original brief, and goes further by giving the clients the opportunity to submit a problem report online, stating it's urgency. This is then sent as an email and SMS/text message (dependant on urgency) to the regional engineers. The entire website is editable and maintainable by Pest Patrol, without the need for further costs.


Thanks to Pest Patrol for allowing us to use their site for demonstration purposes.

Visit the live site :: Visit the demo site